#4 | Pointers | Write a program to add two numbers using pointers. | C Language


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Question :- 

Write a Program to add two numbers using Pointers

Code :-


void main()
    // declaring Variables
    int a,b;
    int *p,*p1;

    // Initilize Values

    printf("Enter First Number : ");

    printf("\nEnter Second Number : ");

    // assign address of two varriables to the pointer variable

    p = &a;
    p1 = &b;

    // sum of two numbers

    printf("\nSum = %d",*p + *p1);


Description :-

  • In this Program, we have to do summation of Two numbers , Without the use of variable that has the value.
  • We have to use their memory Address and with the use of address we will find that which value is stored at that memory address.
  • First we have to declare two types of Variables :-
    • First is Normal Variable
    • Second is pointer variable
  • We Have to Declare Two Normal Int variables and two pointer variables
  • So that we can store the two numbers and those numbers Memory Addresses.
  • Then We have to assign the values or Numbers to Both Integer variables.
  • After that we will assign their memory addresses to the both Pointer variables, With the use of Ampersand (&) Symbol.
  • With the use of star (*) Sign we can Find the value that is stored in assigned memory addresses.
    • Ex. pointer variable p = 366567 (Memory address of variable a that has value as 5)
    • if we put * before pointer variable p ,then it will find the value that is stored in memory address 366567 that is 5
    • so that the output of *p is 5
  • In printf , we will do arithmetic operation like,
    • *p + *p1
    • Here *p will find that which value is stored in pointer variable p's memory address.
    • And   *p1 will find that which value is stored in pointer variable p1's memory address.
  • So the output of  *p + *p1 is, the value that is stored in p address and the value that is stored in p1 address.

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